When most people begin to pack for a big move, they feel overwhelmed. That’s because they tend to focus on all that they have to do in the coming weeks and months. They also focus on just how expensive it is to pack up a home and move somewhere else.
If you’re preparing for a big move, it’s important to take a deep breath and focus on the task at hand. Moving doesn’t have to be expensive if you use supplies you already have.
Hang Onto the Original Boxes
There’s no need to go out and buy boxes or containers when you can get away with using what you have. Pack up all of your appliances, shoes, and other large items in the boxes that they originally came in. Not only does it make them easier to transport, but it also helps prevent them from getting damaged.
Transport Clothes in Garbage Bags
Chances are, you already have garbage bags at your home. There’s no need to fold and pack up your clothing. Instead, leave them on the hangers. You can easily gather them together, put a trash bag over them, poke a hole through the top to pull the handles through, and tie at the bottom. It doesn’t just make it easier to transport; it makes it easier to place in your new closet.
Use Blankets, Clothes to Protect Valuables
Instead of going to the store to buy bubble wrap to protect your valuables, use what you have. Clothing, blankets, and tablecloths are great alternatives. You can use them to wrap your ceramics and other valuables in to keep safe during a move.
Suitcases for Small Items
Since you’ll have to transport your suitcases anyway, you might as well put them to good use. You can use them to transport small items:
- Clothes rolled up
- Shoes
- Toiletries
- Contents of junk drawers
- Stuff Your Dresser Drawers Full
If you’re moving a dresser in a truck, you’ll want it to be stable. To prevent drawers from falling out or rattling use, stuff them full of clothes and other small items from your bedroom. Not only does this save on room in the truck, but it also makes it easier to transport everything.
Markers and Packing Tape
When you pack up your house, you’ll want to make sure to label everything. Place a piece of tape on each box and label the room that it came from. If you want to make things easier, you can keep a separate notebook that has what contents are in the box marked “living room” or “bathroom” etc.
Conclusion: Moving Doesn’t Have to be Expensive
Overall, moving doesn’t have to be expensive. If you use what you have to your advantage, you’ll find that you’ll save quite a bit. You should really only be spending money on movers or a trucking company if that’s what you need. Otherwise, many people have moving essentials lying around their home already.